56T at 56 Dean Street - 56T is a holistic sexual health and wellbeing service for all trans/non-binary people, their partners and friends.
Pink Therapy -
CliniQ CIC - Trans/NB, queer. Holistic Counselling. Wellbeing & Sexual Health services & confidential.
TransActual UK - Find the facts
Intersex Resources -
London Intersex + Trans Community Healthcare Hub - Newly formed hub for practical action, focusing on unmet healthcare needs and creating reliable community.
Non-binary London - Non-binary London exists to create and enable spaces both online and in person for non-binary people in London to connect with each other.
Non-binary Scotland - A group for people with non-binary gender identities in Scotland
Spectra - Spectra provides a free peer led Trans Empowerment & Support Programme, driving meaningful interventions including mentoring, social groups and counselling.
Trans Active Glasgow - Trans Active is sociable multi-sport group for trans, N-B and GNC people aged 18+ in Glasgow.
Gendered Intelligence - National trans-led charity
The Asexual Visibility and Education Network -
Intro to Pronouns -
Black Trans Foundation - Black trans-led nonprofit org offering free therapy to Black trans & NB ppl aged 16+. UK based.
Black Trans Alliance C.I.C - Black Queer & Trans led organisation supporting the Black Trans Community in London
Trans Survivors Switchboard - Trans Survivors Switchboard is a helpline for trans (inc. non binary + questioning) individuals who have experienced sexual violence at any point
GenderCare - a network of individual specialist health clinicians committed to providing excellent quality gender care.
Equalities Network - The Equality Network is a leading national charity working for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) equality and human rights in Scotland
TMSA-UK - UK - UK based online support group for all those who identify as Trans Masculine, Non Binary and Gender Variant AFAB people.
GenderConstructionKit - Local Queer Groups in UK